Rugged Feminine

Jewelry made in Northwest Montana.

Hi, I am Cat Berro maker and designer at Skadi Metals. I am so happy that you are here.

I live in the mountains of Northwest Montana with my husband and two dogs. My home is in the mountains where my soul is in its fullest expression. For years I worked in the wilderness guiding backcountry skiing, backpacking and whitewater canoeing. I left that career to start a mountain athlete training company. As a lover of movement I thought training would be an amazing fit professionally but I quickly learned that the fitness industry was not for me.

My partner Travis and myself spent endless hours harvesting and processing lumber from our property to build our house that we designed and now live in. Through that experience I learned that I love to work with my hands and create something tangible that can be experienced. That is what initially lead me to metalsmithing. I started learning and creating a studio in my garage which eventually led me back to school where I am currently enrolled to learn the craft.

My goal is to create jewelry for all genders that can be worn as an expression of self. What we choose to wear can be an outward expression of our soul, there is meaning in all that we do if you want there to be. In a world where there is pressure to fit in and appear polished it is easy to lose connection to self. My hope is that my jewelry represents that you are tougher than anyone will ever know. That there is light as well as dark, hard along with soft.

  • Skadi (SKAHD-ee)

    Behind the name: Skadi is the Norse Goddess of Snow, Winter and Skiing. She represents resiliency and darkness and that without the dark there can be no light. She is believed to live alone in the mountains hunting and is often represented with wolves by her side and skis on her feet.

    I am a winter to my core. I can feel the weight lift off my shoulders with the first snow fall. Winter is an amazing season of contrast. I love the hard work that is required to do literally anything, especially living in northwest Montana. It is a season of retreat and self reflection. A season of flow and freedom. There is power in embracing the darkness and to be able to thrive in the cold.

    The name for me represents that there can not be light without the dark. A strong independence and resiliency. All emotions that I hope to bring to the wearer of my jewelry.